Eid Al-Fitr 1435


Eid Ul-Fitr this year will be on Monday the 28th of July 2014.

Please note the following for Eid Prayers and Celebrations at ISBC:

  • Eid salat will start promptly at 8:30am.
  • Breakfast (pot luck) will be served after salat, followed by activities for the kids.
  • Please  comply with our masjid’s dress code.
  • If anyone is approached by the media for comments,  please refer them to the executive committee.
  • Parking will be in the soccer field in the back. Please comply with the parking rules. Police will be present on that day.
  • Zakat Fitr must be paid, at the latest, before Eid salat. It is $8.00 for each person to be paid to the Masjid.


Community Eid picnic will be on the following Saturday, August 2nd. We will have activities for both kids and family.

Eid Mubarak,

Executive Committee ISBC

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