Imam Zaid Shakir

About Imam Zaid Shakir
Imam Zaid Shakir is amongst the most respected and influential Islamic scholars in the West. He is also a writer, faculty member, and co-founder of the first accredited Muslim College in Bekerley, California, where he teaches courses on Arabic, Law, History, and Islamic Spirituality. He is one of the signatories of A Common Word Between Us and You, an open letter by Islamic scholars to Christian leaders. It has become an important interfaith dialogue initiative between Christians and Muslims.

A frequent speaker at local and national Muslim events, Imam Zaid has emerged as one of the nation’s top Islamic scholars and a voice of conscience for American Muslims and non-Muslims alike. He’s has served as an advisor to many organizations, and influential leaders. Recently, he was ranked as “one of America’s most influential Scholars” in the West; by The 500 Most Influential Muslims, edited by John Esposito and Ibrahim Kalin, (2009). A frequent speaker at local and national Muslim events, he has emerged as one of the nation’s top Islamic Scholars and a voice of conscience for American Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

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