Muslim Capitol Day in Tallahassee – March 19th 2014

Dear Brothers, sisters, Imams, students, friends and colleagues,

Peace be unto you,

Muslim Capitol Day in Tallahassee is on March 19th 2014, our chance to save ourselves.

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY (3 minutes to read)…

This is a very ***URGENT*** email about the laws in the state of Florida being changed to affect ALL MUSLIMS in a VERY SERIOUSLY NEGATIVE way the Anti-Muslim Groups are working every day to:

  1. Ban Islamic shariah based laws (and contracts including marriage, divorce, child custody inheritance and all Islamic related day to day affairs) and to,
  2. Ban text books that speak about Islam the way they currently do and replace them with text books filled with hate towards Muslims. this can have a direct effect on everyone of us and our children living in Florida.

Such bills are anti-constitutional and anti-American. but if there is no one to stop them from passing, they will become reality.

We All need to stand together for this mission that upon success benefits all of us and God forbid, if we fail, we ALL will be the victims of our own lack of action. IT IS A RESPONSIBILITY NOT A CHOICE

We need people to join our steering committee, to organize and encourage others to attend and to register new attendees.

  1. We need Imams to encourage the attendees in their mosques, hopefully to make part of or the entire next Jumua khutba about such important affairs of the muslim community (that is what the khutba is supposed to be about anyways), and to work with their local community to mobilize them to Tallahassee.
  2. We need students and MSAs or MSOs to spread the message within their universities so we can have our special arrangements for our student constituents.
  3. We need, doctors, engineers, professors, professionals and all of our friends and business people to use what they can of pull to not just give money for buses and financial support for the event but to use whatever power they have to affect others around them of friends and family to attend this day.

If you, as an Imam, student, professional, business person or any other person have any way of helping or can join the steering committee and be part of the organizers in your area, please reply back to this email or call me directly at 321.200.1000.

also, please read below on how to register yourself and don’t be afraid to spread this message to your email forward list and through your social media networks and groups (facebook, twitter, whatsApp etc….)

Asalaamu Alaikum


On Wednesday 3/19/2014, we will travel to Tallahassee (InshAllah) to join hundreds of other Muslims from across the state at the 6th Annual Florida Muslim Capitol Day. This once-a-year event is so important that we can’t afford to miss it.

Can we count on you to join us in Tallahassee on March 19?

Learn more about Muslim Capitol Day and register your name by visiting

This year is especially important, because a few lawmakers are desperately trying to pass an anti-Muslim law that violates our constitutional right to religious liberty. So this March 19, we really need you at the State Capitol Building to tell lawmakers to oppose this discriminatory legislation before it becomes law.

Note: Most participants are arriving in Tallahassee the day of the event on charter buses from Tampa, Orlando, Ocala and Gainesville. Other cities are organizing car pools or their own buses. Once you register online you will receive an email with details on catching a ride from your area.


1.        Join our delegation and meet your elected officials in Tallahassee on March 19th,and bring your friends/family, Click here to register now.

2.       Can’t join us? Please sponsor a delegate for $100 to attend on your behalf. Many young Muslims want to attend Muslim Capitol Day but can’t afford it.  Help them now and click here to sponsor delegates.


Please do not delay.  ACT NOW because our voices must be heard in order for our issues to be addressed.

Visit our website to find out more about the event and register today!

Please forward this email and help us spread the word. Invite your friends today!


Malak Fakhoury and Omar Alhassan
Organizing Committee

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